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I sit at West Weares by the Tout Sculpture Park planning my next adventure on Portland
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Admiralty Underwater Weapons Establishment (AUWE) Southwell

Admiralty Underwater Weapons Establishment (AUWE) North


Asian Cafe Chesil

Augusta Road

Avalanche Church, Southwell

Avalanche, The (Shipwreck)

Balaclava Bay

Beach Road

Belle Vue Terrace

Bill, Portland

Bird Observatory, Portland Bill

Blacknor Fort

Blacknor Point

Blacksmith's Forge, The Bill

Blow Hole, East Weares

Blues, Football Club

Bob's Plaice

Bomb Damage and Deaths at Augusta Road

Bow and Arrow Castle

Bowers Quarry and Mine

Brandy Row

Bridge, Tramway in Independent Quarry

Britannia Pub

Bumpers Lane


Candle, Mysterious And Huge

Captain’s House, Chiswell


Carved Head, Bumpers Lane

Carved Statue, Priory Corner

Castle, Bow and Arrow

Castle, Pennsylvania

Castle, Portland

Castle, Rufus


Cave, Under YOI

Cave, Inmosthay Quarry

Cave, Little France Quarry

Cave Hole, East Weares

Cemetery, St George’s Church

Cemetery, Naval

Cenotaph, London

Chapel, Primitive Methodist, Weston

Chesil Beach Motors

Chesil Beach

Chesil Cove

Chesil Esplanade

Chesil Gallery

Chesil Seascape Sculpture

Chesil Community Garden

Cheyne House

Cheyne Tunnel

Chiswell, Northern

Chiswell, Southern

Cliffs at Portland Bill

Church Ope Cove

Church, Avalanche

Church, Easton Methodist

Church, St Andrews

Church, St Georges

Church, St Peters

Coastguard Cottages, Portland Bill

Coastguard Lookout, Portland Bill

Comben Shoe Shop, Easton

Conjurers Lodge, Chiswell

Cove Inn, Chiswell

Coven, Local Witches

Cozy Cafe, Portland Bill

Crane, Suckthumb Quarry

Crane, Church Ope Cove

Crane, Inmosthay Quarry


D-Day Museum, Castletown

Decorated Garage Doors

Defence Evaluation Research Establishment (DERA)

Donkey (“Hank”)

Dowsett Motors

Drainage Scheme at Chiswell

Drill Hall, Easton

Durdle Pier

East Weares, around Salt Pans

East Weares, around Durdle Pier area

East Weares near Southwell

East Weares Gun Battery


Easton Massacre

Easton Gardens

Eclipse of the Sun, 11th August 1999

Eight Kings Pub, Southwell

Fancy’s Farm

Fancy’s Garage


Fire Station, Easton (Demolished)

Fire Station, The Grove

Flooding In Chiswell

Foam On Sea At Portland Bill

Folly Pier, East Weares

Fortuneswell, North

Fortuneswell, West

Fortuneswell, South

Fossil Cave

Fossilized Sand Ripples

Fossil Tree, Portland Bill

Fossil Tree, Freshwater Bay

Fossil Tree, Portland Heights Hotel

Fossil Tree, Southwell

Fossil Trees, Mutton Cove

Fossil Trees, Independent Quarries

Free Portland News

Freshwater Bay

George Inn

Gold Painted Letterbox

Goodies, The (Filmed on Portland)

Great Ope, Chiswell

Grove Road

Grosvenor Road

Gun Emplacement, Blacknor Fort

Gypsy Lane, Weston

“Hank” The Donkey

High Angle Battery

Hoskins, Dicky - A Virtual Pets’ Cemetery



Incline Road

Independent Quarry

Inmosthay Business Park

Inmosthay Quarry

John Pearce Stone Company

Jubilee Hall, Weymouth’s

Kingbarrow Nature Reserve

King’s Pier

Lano’s Bridge

Last, N J, Motor Engineer


Lighthouse, Bird Observatory

Lighthouse, New at Portland Bill

Lighthouse, Old Higher

Limekiln, Portland Heights

Limekiln, North Easton

Limekiln, The Grove

Limekiln, behind Youth Offenders Institute

Limekiln, Avalanche Road

Limekiln, Inmosthay Quarry

Linchets or Lynchets or Lawnsheds

Little Ship Inn, Chiswell

Lobster Pot Cafe, Portland Bill

Lobster World, Portland Bill

Locomotives at Tradecroft


Mantle, Jack VC

Merchants Railway, Priory Corner

Merchants Railway, Three Bridges and Verne Ramparts

Merchants Railway, Main Incline

Merchants Railway, Castletown

Mere, The

Merton Close, Fortuneswell

Monsters and Veasta

Motyer, Doctor

Mural, Southwell Business Park

Museum, Portland

Museum, Prison

Mutton Cove

Naval Cemetery

Naval Mine, abandoned

New Ground

Nicodemus Knob

“Nuclear Bunker”

Orhan Veli, Hairdresser

Oil Tanks at The Mere

Old Hill, Fortuneswell

Palmer, Suzann (Archaeologist)

Pennsylvania Castle

Penn’s Bath

Penn’s Weare

Perryfields Estate

Perryfields Quarry

Pete’s Hardware Shop, Easton

Pet’s Cemetery, Old Hill


Pill Box, Blacknor

Pill Box, Folly Pier

Portland, HMS

Portland, Antiques

Portland Bill

Portland Bill Cafes

Portland Bill Tramways

Portland Bill Quarries

Portland Castle

Portland Fair

Portland Heights Hotel

Portland Port

Portland Steam Laundry

Portland Town Council Offices

Priory Corner

Primitive Methodist Chapel, Weston

Prison, The Grove

Prison, The Grove Museum

Prison, The Verne


Pub, The Britannia

Pub, The Cove

Pub, The Eight Kings

Pub, The New Inn

Pub, The Pulpit

Pub, The Punchbowl

Pub, The Sawmill

Pulpit Rock

Quarry, Admiralty

Quarry, Bottom Coombe

Quarry, Bowers

Quarry, Duncecroft

Quarry, France

Quarry, Independent

Quarry, Inmosthay

Quarry, King Barrow

Quarry, Perryfields

Quarry, Portland Bill

Quarry, Shepherds Dinner

Quarry, Silklake

Quarry, Sheat

Quarry, Suckthumb

Quarry, Tout

Quarry, Withies Croft

Quarry, Yeolands

Queen Anne House, Fortuneswell


Don’t Panic!
That’s a cartoon of a running Hare!
Please click on him to read of Portland’s aversion to bunnies
Raised Beach at Portland Bill

Railway, Merchants (Castletown)

Railway, Merchants (Verne Rampart)

Railway, Merchants (Tophill)

Railway, Beach Road

Railway, Castletown

Railway, East Weares

Railway, Easton

Raised Beach, Portland Bill

Rangers’ Accommodation, Priory Corner

Red Crane

Redoubt, New Ground

Reforne, West

Reforne, East

Regal Cinema, Fortuneswell

Reservoir, Priory Corner

Reservoir, Rufus Castle

Rifle Range, East Weares

Royal British Legion, Fortuneswell

Royal Exchange Pub, Weston

Royal Portland Arms Pub, Fortuneswell

Royal Manor School

Royal Victoria Hotel

Rufus Castle

Rumours Nightclub

Salt Pans

Sand Ripples, Fossilized

Sawmill Pub

School, IPACA Osprey Quay Campus

School, Royal Manor

School, Maisters (Straits)

Sculptures, Tout

Seagull Sanctuary

Sentry Box, Victorian

Sewerage, East Weares

Sewerage, Chiswell

Sewerage, Southwell

Sheep Pound

Shepherds Dinner


Silklake, Quarry

Snow at Chesil

Soapbox Derby, Wakeham


Southwell Business Park

Southwell Landslip

St Andrew’s (Avalanche) Church, Southwell

St George’s Church

St Peter’s Church

Stadium, ex-Borstal

Steam Laundry, Fortuneswell

Storm Damage, Chesil

Strangers’ Cemetary

Suckthumb Quarry

Sugar Loaf Cafe, Easton

Sun Inn, Fortuneswell


Thrutch (Fossil) Cave

Tout Sculpture Quarry

Tradecroft Industrial Estate

Tudor House Weston

“Uncle Broker” Grave

Underhiller versus Tophillers

Verne Prison

Victoria Gardens

Victoria Inn, Chiswell

Vincent, Reg

Wakeham, North

Wakeham, South

Wallace and Gromit - Curse of the Were Underground Mutton

Wallsend Cove

War Memorial


Water Supply - Well at Southwell

Water Works, East Weares

Way, Mary (Victim of the Easton Massacre)

Waycroft Quarry

Waycroft Tunnel

Weston, North

Weston, South

West Weares, Blacknor Point

West Weares, Below Tout Quarry

West Weares, Green Hump and Halelujah Bay

Weymouth’s Jubilee Hall Scandal

Whale, Dead

Witches Coven?


Withies Croft Quarry Infilled

Withies Wall, vandalized by quarry owners

Ye Old Donovan’s Drain

Yeolands Quarry

Youth Offenders Institute (YOI)

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