Wallsend Cove

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The South-West Coastal Path weaves along the top of spectacular cliffs towering over Wallsend Cove.
To the north of the area covered by the red square we find part of Southwell Business Park.
Please click here for a detailed map of this area. The arrow points to the centre of this area of interest. Click the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.
Please click here to visit the satellite image of this area on Google Maps Click the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.
These cliffs have become very popular with climbers - please click here for details of climbs in this area.
The geology of this area is described here.
Southwell Business Park dominates the skyline in the distance beyond Wallsend Cove.
This is a dangerous cliff with its perilous sloping edge leading to sheer cliffs. Not a place to go wandering in the dark! This part of the coastline does not appear to have ever been quarried - unlike most of Portland's cliffs.
This composite picture shows the vertiginous view from the cliff edge close to the Coastguard Lookout.
There is a wide rift where part of the cliff has fallen away with a view right down to the rocks at sea level.
I scared myself trying to get this picture!
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