Silklake Quarry
Silklake Quarry lies to the east of Wakeham and dominates this area.
To the south of the area is Bumpers Lane which has been much used as the way into the quarry.
To the east Silklake merges into the area known as Shepherd’s Dinner.
How this latter area got its curious name is not known to me.
Indeed, the origin of the name Silklake is not known although it has been in use since 1608.
Silklake Quarry was, in recent decades, used for the production of crushed stones but production has now moved north east and access to this area is now via Grove Road rather than Bumpers Lane.
Please click here for a detailed map. Click the BACK button on your browser to return to this page. Please click here to visit the satellite image of this area on Google Maps. Click the BACK button on your browser to return to this page. Please click here to visit the Google Streetview image of this area. Click the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.
The area of Silklake Quarry lies wholly on private land and, as a working quarry, it has not been possible to obtain any photographs.
A fissure in the Silklake Quarry has produced archaeological materials including several human skeletons - see here.
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Keywords Bumpers Lane Silklake Quarry Dorset