IMG 0154

IMG 1431
The Nothe Fort Ghost

IMG 0473
Magazines - South Entrance Looking West - March 1983

IMG 0476
Magazines - Corridor South Side, Entrance To Turret Stair on Right' March 1981

IMG 0603

IMG 0991
On Magazine steps. Unknown Date

IMG 0992
On Magazine steps. Unknown Date

IMG 1162

IMG 1164

IMG 1165

IMG 1166
Inside Caponier - date unknown

IMG 1167
Caponier looking down into foundations of the Fort

IMG 1168
Caponier interior from head of the stairs - 1985

IMG 1169
Caponier prior to restoration

IMG 1171
Magazine stairs north side - 1984

IMG 1172
Engine room 4" beds in place - 1980

IMG 1174
Nuclear bunker door

IMG 1175
Area around modern lift foot

IMG 1176
Stairway north side - 1981

IMG 1179
Cookhouse - original boiler - 1985

IMG 1181

IMG 1183

IMG 1184
Magazine looking towards Engine Room - 1982

IMG 1186
Unknown interior shot - 1981

IMG 1187

IMG 1188
Unknown interior shot - 1981

IMG 1189
Unknown interior shot - 1981

IMG 1190
Unknown interior shot - 1981

IMG 1191
Unknown interior shot - 1985

IMG 1192

IMG 1194
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1195
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1196
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1197
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1198
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1199
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1200
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1201
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1202
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1203

IMG 1204

IMG 1205

IMG 1207
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1208
Historical picture of hoist

IMG 1212

IMG 1213

IMG 1216

IMG 1217

IMG 2083
Magazine Passage Way (south) taken in February 1988

IMG 2084
Magazine Passage Way - East. taken in February 1988

IMG 2085
Magazine West Passage taken in February 1988

IMG 2318

IMG 2326
Magazine corridor being refurbished, early 1980s

IMG 2327
Hoist for Number 9 RML. Corridor partially cleared.

IMG 2340
"Percy" in gas mask in Rampart Magazine located at rear of south turret stairs. March 1983

IMG 2341
Figure of a batman cleaning officers shoes. Number 2 store in basement level near open court.
March 1983

IMG 2342
Spiral stairs and original iron column in basement. March 1983

IMG 2343
Rifle ports in Caponier. March 1983

IMG 2366
12.5 inch Ammunition hoist showing funnel for hanging lantern 5 February 1987

IMG 2379
Caponier Foundations. 1980s?